Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Sister's Engagement Day Makeup

Hi, good day!!

I want to throw back the day of my sister's engagement. I just want to do a simple makeup for her.. Let's check out the product that I used for this makeup look :-

For the brow, I'm using No Brand brow powder. A light smokey eye on her eyes makeup using The Blushed Nudes Makeup Palette from Maybeline. For the lipstick, I'm applying a liquid lipstick from Selami. Normal foundation for overall face. 

And this is the final look.....


Tuesday, 11 October 2016

New Blog!!!

Assalamualaikum :) ;)

Okay!! Ni hakak nak bagitau ni... Yang blog hakak akan dipecahkan kepada dua blog iaitu 

dan blog yang lama ni 

untuk mengelakkan kekeliruan di masa hadapan... Hikhikhik... sebenarnya hakak saje je susahkan diri... Nanti tak pasal2 kena repost and re-share plak everything... Hahahhaha

Tapi tak pela kan... Asalkan hakak tak nak korang konpius...

Okay... Bior hakak brief tentang kedua-dua blog hakak ni..

Blog ni lebih kepada blog personal hakak... Tentang hidup hakak, reviews on movie, tempat-tempat yang hakak dah pernah pergi dan makanan-makanan yang hakak pernah try... Selain tu, nasihat-nasihat hakak tentang isu kerja, study tips dan tip-tip kesihatan gak ada dalam blog ni... Ha.... yang penting, ada satu slot baru iaitu cerpen hakak... Sekarang ni baru ada dua cerita, insyallah hakak akan fill up di masa hadapan..

Ok... Blog ni plak more on business matters.. Iaitu, lebih kepada Youtube Channel hakak, story of my makeup obsession dan product reviews..

Hopefully korang stay tune dengan kedua-dua blog hakak ni... Hakak seronok dapat membantu dan menghiburkan orang yang memerlukan hakak.... :) ;)

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Makeup Obsession : Bold Lips Makeup Look

Hi :)

I really excited to share my new video with you guys!! 

But I really sorry for the bad lighting. But, enjoy!!! :)

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Makeup Obsession : Get Ready with Me 2

Happy Merdeka Day !!!

Last Sunday, when I am about to go out, I filmed a Get Ready with Me video. So, this is the video.

If you like this video, don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and if you find my channel interesting feel free to subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching !!

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Makeup Obsession : Brown Gold Makeup Look

Hi !! Hello !!

Welcome back to my channel. Err.. That's the intro for my Youtube. Hahaha

Okay.. Actually I had filmed a makeup video. But I really don't have any ideas what the title should be. So, I just call it as "Brown Gold Makeup Look"..

If you like to watch a makeup tutorial, why not if you watch mine too :)

I will link the video below and don't forget to comment if you like the video. Hopefully you like it. :)

BTW, in this look, I still use the same The Blushed Nudes Palette by Maybelline.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Makeup Obsession : Rani Mukherjee Inspired Look

Hi guys! 

Today I want to upload a new look which is Rani Mukherjee Inspired Look. 

Maybe it might not the same one. I really hope this video could give you guy some ideas.. 


Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Makeup Obsession : Jom Raya Look 2 |The Blushed Nudes Palette|


So this is the Jom Raya Look 2 that I created using The Blushed Nudes Palette by Maybelline. Hope this video can give you guys some idea. 

Don't forget to try this look and tag me! 

Thank you for watching!!!

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Makeup Obsession : Jom Raya Look

Ok akhirnya dapat jua hakak upload this makeup look... Dengan sibuk melemang dan sebagainya... Hehehe... Tak menang tangan... Ok... Pls3 tonton video ni dan sape yang ade pertanyaan boleh tanya.. Yang nak suruh hakak buat video lagi pun boleh,,.. Hehehe... Enjoy!! Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin! :)

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Makeup Obsession : Casual Raya Look


Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin!!!!! Semoga raya tahun memberi rahmat dan syafaat dari tahun-tahun sebelum ni.. Actually hakak nak upload satu tutorial ni.. Hakak rakam video ni beberapa hari sebelum raya. Jadi hakak terpikir ape salahnya kalo hakak buat video ni as video untuk look raya kan??!!

So, disebabkan hakak tidak mengikut etika berpakaian semasa hari raya, jadi hakak tukar ke Casual Look... Papepun enjoy this video. Kalo korang nak hakak wat any tutorial, komen2 di bawah ye.. Insyallah hakak akan penuhi permintaan korang... hehehe

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Makeup Obsession : Nicole Sherzinger Inspired Look

Okay... Lepas dah lega semuanya, baru la mak nak upload this video.. ok untuk sape yang suka Nicole Sherzinger boleh tengok. Yang tak suka tu, tengok jugakla kalo rajin k. hehehehhe. kbye!

Simple Makeup & Some Pep Talk

Hi guys!! I hope you enjoy this video and don't forget to subscribe!! [ Follow Me ] Blog : Personal ...